Our Honeybee Fork Level Switch is commonly applied for all types of liquids. The insertion length of this product is standard i.e. 70MM including thread to 3000MM. This requires power consumption of 12 V DC to 30 V DC. Its other technical specifications include sensing fork and SS316 probe as the integral part. Apart from these, Jayceetech provides some common featured services along with the products which make it the best Honeybee Fork Level Switches manufacturer in India. A comprehensive list of these services is here:
- Our designed products are not only user-friendly but also cost-friendly.
- We provide a complete guide for our products. Customers can download it online too.
- All product buyers will entertain the limited warranty period for not only the products but also all its integrated parts.
- Different designs for a single product are available which is used to serve different purposes in the field.
- Our catalogue displays all designs along with its usages.
- Fast and Easy Installation
- No effect of electrical properties of the Service material.
- High Reliability.
- Field selectable operation logic.
- Can be configured either for High- or Low-level point switching.
- Provides economical solutions, Various model not required. Reduces the Inventory cost.
- All types of liquids.
- Most liquids with max 10000 mm2/s viscosity.
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